JPX Service Desk
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  • No : 10521
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 16:54
  • Modified on : 2023/01/23 12:20
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[J-GATE3.0] Please elaborate the use of value in [delta_quantity_c] (Delta Quantity Change Flag) as ‘1’ (Absolute Value) or ‘2’ (Delta Value) when altering an order’s quantity by using MO33.

Please elaborate the use of value in [delta_quantity_c] (Delta Quantity Change Flag) as ‘1’ (Absolute Value) or ‘2’ (Delta Value) when altering an order’s quantity by using MO33 (Alter Order Message).
Category : 


As described in "8.3.2 Transaction Structure" and “8.3.3 Delta Quantity Change Flag (delta_quantity_c)” on J-GATE3.0 Connectivity Manual [Business Message part], when using the absolute quantity method, set "1" to delta_quantity_c (Delta Quantity Change Flag) and the order to be altered will be proceeded as Absolute Value.
However, when using the delta quantity method, set "2" to delta_quantity_c (Delta Quantity Change Flag) and the order to be altered will be proceeded by calculating delta quantity.
If the number other than “0” was entered in balance_quantity_i (Remaining Quantity Check), the order will be modified only if the remaining quantity of order and value were identical.