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  • No : 10653
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 17:07
  • Modified on : 2023/01/23 12:32
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[J-GATE3.0] If [quantity_protection_q] and [delta_protection_q] for DC87 is set with a value under the minimum quantity, would it result in an error?

If [quantity_protection_q] (Threshold for Trades quantity) and [delta_protection_q] (Total quantity of Trades calculated by a formula) for DC87 (MMP setting message) is set with a value under the minimum quantity, would it result in an error?
Category : 


If [quantity_protection_q] (Threshold for Trades quantity) and [delta_protection_q] (Total quantity of Trades calculated by a formula) is set with a value under the minimum quantity, an error will be returned.
For the detail, please refer to "12.3 DC87 Set Market Maker Protection TRANSACTION (MMP setting message)" on J-GATE3.0 Connectivity Manual[Business Message part] and "4.9.3_MMP Minimum Volume by Underlying Asset" on J-GATE3.0 Connectivity Manual [Commonalities part] Appendix.
Please note the error (Txstat -309880) will be returned when [quantity_protection_q] (Threshold for Trades quantity) is set with a value under the minimum quantity.
However, depending on the value set to [exposure_time_interval_i] (Unit time to monitor reaching Threshold(Second)), error may not be returned.
For the detail, please refer to "4.9.3_MMP Minimum Volume by Underlying Asset" (*1)(*2) of the J-GATE3.0 Connectivity Manual [Commonalities part] Appendix.