JPX Service Desk
FAQ Site (Application FAQ / System Support FAQ)
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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
J-GATE contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
Clearing contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 1860
  • Updated Date : 2023/12/24 09:00
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[Screen Help] New Registration of ToSTNeT Virtual Server (4.0)

[Screen Help] New Registration of ToSTNeT Virtual Server (4.0)
Category : 


1: Application Type
Select the application type.
When the line holder and the virtual server holder is different, select "Service Sharing".
2: Participant Code
Enter the participant code (5-digit number) of the user of the virtual servers.
When "In-house" for Application Type is selected, the participant code will be automatically appeared.
When "Service Sharing" is selected, enter the participant code.
3: The number of Order Notice Virtual Server
4: The number of Drop Copy Virtual Server
Enter the request number of the virtual servers.
5: Done
Fix the entered data and enter the details of the virtual servers.
*Please apply for Virtual Server at least 4 business days before the Desired start Date of use the system.
System reflection works are generally conducted by JPX Service Desk on Friday for the production systems. Therefore, depending on the date of submission, it could possibly take more than 4 business days for data to be reflected on the system due to the factors such as holidays (Your desired configuration details will be reflected to the system on the next business day of Desired Date of Work Operation by JPX).
System reflection works are generally conducted by JPX Service Desk on Thursday for the test systems. Therefore, depending on the date of submission, it could possibly take more than 4 business days for data to be reflected on the system due to the factors such as holidays (Your desired configuration details will be reflected to the system on the next business day of Desired Date of Work Operation by JPX).