JPX Service Desk
FAQ Site (Application FAQ / System Support FAQ)
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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
J-GATE contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
Clearing contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 7580
  • Updated Date : 2019/10/07 09:00
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What are the times when information about Trading Halt in arrowhead will be disseminated?

What are the times when information about Trading Halt in arrowhead will be disseminated?
Category : 


If there is any Trading Halt information that is deemed to have a significant impact on investment decision for investors, the information dissemination time period for arrowhead is as follows.

From order acceptance hours to Morning session end, from 8:45am to 11:30am.
From order acceptance hours to Evening session end, from 12:15pm to 3:30pm.

*Since the issue status of the ST/TI tags of FLEX are not updated even if Trading Halt (Accepting Order Input) or Release of Trading Suspension are carried out at Order Acceptance Period, in principle, if trading is halted for Trading Hours, information is disseminated during the above periods.

If Release of Trading Suspension is occurred between sessions, Release information will be disseminated at 12:05pm when Issue realtime information starts.