JPX Service Desk
FAQ Site (Application FAQ / System Support FAQ)
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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
J-GATE contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
Clearing contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 894
  • Updated Date : 2015/04/30 18:00
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[Screen Help] JPX Co-Location Application for Partner Additional Dissemination/End User Connection

[Screen Help] JPX Co-Location Application for Partner Additional Dissemination/End User Connection
Category : 


1: Application Type
Select the Application type.
New: Select when newly applying the service.
Change: Select when changing the existing information.
Cancel: Select when cancelling the existing contract.
2: User Type
Select the purpose of the application.
arrownet-Global service providers select "End User Connection", information dissemination partners select "Partner Additional Dissemination".
3: Participant Code of end user
Enter the participant code of the end user.
One participant code is provided to each Partner Additional Dissemination/End User Connection. The each code is charged. The applicant can freely designate the code.
4: Name of end user
Enter the name of the end user.
The name of the end user is the name of the company who actually uses Partner Additional Dissemination/End User Connection.
5: Bandwidth
Enter the bandwidth of the SP line for Partner Additional Dissemination/End User Connection.
6: Connecting User (Name of the rack holder's)
Enter the name of the rack holder to whom the service connects.
7: Location of end user data center
Enter the connecting location of the company entered in 4.
8: Desired Date
Select the desired start/change/cancel date from the calendar.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
For cancellation, enter the day following the date of last use.
e.g.) If the last day of use is 2015/10/31,
   enter the desired date "2015/11/1".