JPX Service Desk
FAQ Site (Application FAQ / System Support FAQ)
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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
J-GATE contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
Clearing contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 906
  • Updated Date : 2024/03/24 09:00
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[Screen Help] arrownet v2 Line List

[Screen Help] arrownet v2 Line List
Category : 


1: Contract Status
Select the contract status as the search condition.
Valid contract is a contract that the application is approved and the start date has passed.
Up-coming contract is a contract that the application is approved and the start date has not come yet.
Expired contract is a contract that the cancel date has passed.
2: Carrier
Telecommunications carrier which provides lines from access point to the user site.
*In the case of the Cloud Connection, SP environment which is connected to the cloud carrier "AWS" will be displayed.
3: AP
Access Point to which the line is connected.
4: SP
The service provider that the SP line connected to.
5: Usage Type
Usage Type contracted by SP line.
6: Pair ID
The ID for the redundant line composition to identify the paired lines.
7: Contract State
The application type that was submitted for the line.
8: Application Type
The application type that was submitted for the line.
9: Status
Please see Status Guidance.
10: Unmonitor Pattern
The unmonitor pattern selected in the monitoring deactivation request of the line.
When the mouse pointer is placed on the displayed pattern, the explanation of the pattern will be shown.
11: monitoring deactivation history
Monitoring Deactivation History for the past 6 months.
Click the link in application ID field to withdraw Monitoring Deactivation.
12: Business System
Abbreviations of the business systems in use.
The Using Business System represented by each abbreviation are shown in the table below.
*1: It includes Participant Information until Shareholder Information launches.
13: Scheduled Config Change Date
The scheduled date of the config change of arrownet side.
14: Config Change Completion Date
The completion date of the config change of arrownet side.
15: Status
Please see Status Guidance.
16: Request NW Reachability Test
Click to make request of NW reachability test.
Tick the target line from arrownet v2 line list, and click "Request NW Reachability Test" button. (Multiple selection possible)
In the case of a redundant line, it is possible to request to check only one from among the redundant line, counterpart line also can make communication request together.
*The target lines are logical lines that are displayed "To be booked" in NW Reachability Test Status.
*If you would like to request connectivity test for a line using Cloud Connection, please contact JPX Service Desk (application procedure).
17: Request Monitoring Deactivation
Click to make request of monitoring deactivation of line.
Tick the target line from arrownet v2 line list, and click "Request Monitoring Deactivation" button.
You can only set Non-Monitoring status on "Physical Lines" (SP Line ID field is blank).
18: Request Quote for the Changes
Click to make request of changes the line.
Tick the target line from arrownet v2 line list, and click "Request Quote for the Changes" button.
If you wish to multi-purpose external connection with existing line, please tick "Multi-purpose external connection line".
*Carrier may contact the Issuer (which is showed at the top of the screen of [Quote Request for Change arrownet Line (Physical/Logical)]).
If the point of contact is not the Issuer, please input the contact information of the person in charge (name, phone number, e-mail address) in the "Special Notes" section at the bottom of the quote request screen.
If you can't put the information on "Special Note" due to exceeding the number of characters, etc., please send e-mail to JPX Service Desk (application procedure) <> with Application ID and contacts (name, phone, e-mail).
19: Desired Cancellation Date
Click Calendar button, and select the desired cancellation date.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
For cancellation, enter the day following the date of last use.
e.g.) If the last day of use is 2015/10/31,
        enter the desired date "2015/11/1".
20: Request Quote for the Cancellation
Click to make quote for cancel the line in use.
Tick the target line from arrownet v2 line list, and click the "Request Quote for the Cancellation" button after confirming the desired cancel date.
*If you want to cancel the Cloud Connection line, tick the box for physical line.
*Carrier may contact the Issuer (which is showed at the top of the screen of [Quote Request for Cancellation arrownet Line (Physical/Logical)]).
If the point of contact is not the Issuer, please input the contact information of the person in charge (name, phone number, e-mail address) in the "Special Notes" section at the bottom of the quote request screen.
If you can't put the information on "Special Note" due to exceeding the number of characters, etc., please send e-mail to JPX Service Desk (application procedure) <> with Application ID and contacts (name, phone, e-mail).