• No : 764
  • Updated Date : 2019/02/28 09:00
  • Modified on : 2019/11/27 11:00
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What is the network latency from AP3 (CC1/CC2) to JPX Systems?

What is the network latency from AP3 (CC1/CC2) to JPX Systems?
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Approximate measurement value is as followings.

- 1Gbps: 58 microseconds (CC1) / 56 microseconds (CC2)
- 10Gbps: 57 microseconds (CC1) / 55 microseconds (CC2)

*Measured for one way from the arrownet v2.0 PE router in AP3 to the network segment of arrowhead.
*Rounded the latency value of short packet (64bytes) off to the closest whole number.