• No : 7663
  • Updated Date : 2019/10/07 09:00
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What is the condition which invokes Cancel on Disconnect (COD)?

What is the condition which invokes Cancel on Disconnect (COD)?
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[Trigger of COD]
-The Exchange Trading System detects the loss of the TCP connection with a Virtual Server that has established an Operation Link.
-The Exchange Trading System disconnects the TCP connection and releases the ESP link with a Virtual Server which has established an Operation Link because the Heartbeat Receipt Timer for the Virtual Server runs out.

Note that this function is not invoked on the loss of the TCP connection due to the Exchange Trading System failures or logging out from the Exchange Trading System. In the case of the Exchange Trading System failures, however, the function may be invoked depending on the type of the failure.
Also note that the function may not be invoked in the case of Exchange Trading System failures even when the conditions have been fulfilled to invoke it.

Regarding the conditions that invoke COD, please refer to 13. Cancel on Disconnect of "System Interface Specifications for arrowhead - Operation (Order/Notice)".

Please refer to the following FAQ how to get "System Interface Specifications for arrowhead".
URL: https://faqsd.jpx.co.jp/faq/show/3985?site_domain=en_application