• No : 889
  • Updated Date : 2016/09/16 09:00
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[Screen Help] JPX Co-Location Power Supply

[Screen Help] JPX Co-Location Power Supply
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1: Contract Status
Select the contract status as the search condition.
Valid contract is a contract that the application is approved and the start date has passed.
Up-coming contract is a contract that the application is approved and the start date has not come yet.
Expired contract is a contract that the cancel date has passed.
2: Total Contract Demand
The total contract demand of electric power of all contracted racks.
3: Total Electricity Threshold
The total electricity threshold of all contracted racks.
4: Electricity Threshold
Enter when changing the value of the electricity threshold of the rack.
The total electricity threshold of your all contracted racks must not exceed the total contract demand.
5: Change Date
When changing the electricity threshold, select the effective date of the change from the calendar.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
*Add or change of power supply and contracted power usage, delivery date of the change of the electricity threshold is 2 weeks.
6: Application Type
Select the type of the application.
7: Change Date
Click Calendar button, and select the desired start/cancel date.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
For cancellation, enter the day following the date of last use.
e.g.) If the last day of use is 2015/10/31,
   enter the desired date "2015/11/1".