• No : 921
  • Updated Date : 2019/03/24 09:00
  • Print

[Screen Help] Request for Monitoring Deactivation

[Screen Help] Request for Monitoring Deactivation
Category : 


1: Unmonitor Pattern
Select an unmonitor pattern and terms of the monitoring deactivation.
Select Pattern A for the basic monitoring deactivation.
Select a pattern in accordance with the time for the regular monitoring deactivation.
2: Start Date
Click Calendar button, and select the start date of the monitoring deactivation.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
3: Start Time
Enter the start time of the monitoring deactivation in hh:mm format.
e.g.) 09:15, 18:30
4: End Date
Click Calendar button, and select the end date of the monitoring deactivation.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
5: End Time
Enter the end time of the monitoring deactivation in hh:mm format.
e.g.) 09:15, 18:30
6: Reason
Select the reason of the monitoring deactivation.
7: Name Furigana
Enter the Furigana of the name of the person in charge of the monitoring deactivation.
Space is needed between the first name and the second name.
Not required for non-Japanese names.
8: Name
Enter the name of the person in charge of the monitoring deactivation.
Space is needed between the first name and the second name.
e.g.) Taro Tosho
9: Phone
Enter the phone number of the person in charge of the monitoring deactivation.
Only numbers and '-' are allowed.
e.g.) 000-1234-5678
10: E-mail
Enter the E-mail address of the person in charge of the monitoring deactivation.
11: Comment (Reason)
Enter the detail of the reason or any notes to JPX about the monitoring deactivation, as needed.