• No : 10591
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 17:02
  • Modified on : 2023/01/17 08:40
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[J-GATE3.0]What will happen when order alternation (MO33), order cancellation (MO4) or proxy order cancellation (MO388) are executed during the non-cancel period (NCP)?

What will happen when order alternation (MO33), order cancellation (MO4) or proxy order cancellation (MO388) are executed during the non-cancel period (NCP)?
Category : 


If order alternation (MO33) or order cancellation (MO4) is sent during NCP, the error message "transaction aborted (-12) and illegal transaction at this time (-110023) will be returned.
However, for proxy order deletion (MO388),  sponsoring sub-participant can execute proxy order deletion (MO388) on behalf of the sponsored sub-participants’ orders during NCP.
Please note that the authority of “NCP Cancel allowed” and “NCP Cancel not allowed” granted to user ID(s) applies to order cancellation (MO4) and does not to proxy order deletion (MO388).