• No : 10592
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 17:02
  • Modified on : 2023/01/23 12:26
  • Print

[J-GATE3.0] When acquiring sponsored Sub-Participant's BO5 and BD6 from a sponsoring Sub-Participant, is there a setting to acquire each sponsored Sub-Participant's drop copy separately.

When acquiring sponsored Sub-Participant's BO5 and BD6 from a sponsoring Sub-Participant, is there a setting to acquire each sponsored Sub-Participant's drop copy separately (e.g., receive only Sub-Participant 2, and not receive Sub-Participant 1.)
Category : 


As described in " Authority, Notice Receiving and Proxy Cancellation" on the "J-GATE3.0_Connectivity_Manual_Commonalities_part", notice retrieval of BO5 and BD6 received by the sponsoring Sub-Participant varies in specification.
For BO5 (and BO93), sub-participant can be specified when subscribing. However, for BD6, sub-participant cannot be specified.