• No : 11356
  • Updated Date : 2023/05/22 09:00
  • Print

Where can I find the latest version of the JGB (Japanese Government Bonds) Clearing System Manual?

Where can I find the latest version of the JGB (Japanese Government Bonds) Clearing System Manual?
Category : 


The latest manual is available from "書類をダウンロードする" on JSCC Target site.

[How to search]
1. Go to Target-JSCC Site.
URL: https://portal.arrowfront.jp/target/x/jscpss/webportal/top.html
* The URL starts with "http:" if accessing Target via arrownet.
* Target-JSCC site is available only in Japanese.

2. Click "書類をダウンロードする" tab at the top bar.

3. Click "システム運用マニュアル" under the category "国債店頭取引".

4. Click each manual under the category.
* Japanese version only.