• No : 7870
  • Updated Date : 2019/11/18 10:43
  • Print

How can I recover the arrownet line that has been shut down by the storm control function?

How can I recover the arrownet line that has been shut down by the storm control function?
Category : 


The participant connectivity test is required in order to re-open the connection port which has been shut down by the storm control function.
Please refer to the following flow.
<1> submit / inform a correctional and preventive report to JPX including the cause, prevention of recurrence, and business impact of participants, etc.
(Free format, it has to be traceable such as e-mail or document in writing)
<2> JPX will determine whether the correctional and preventive report is acceptable.
<3> Re-open the connection port by JPX on holidays
<4> Confirm that there is no problem by the participants
(The purpose is to prevent secondary incidents that may affect trading on weekdays)
<5> The subjected arrownet line will be available from the next business day
* However, in the case of the problem which requires the participant connectivity test before re-opening the connection port such as a problem of changing the virtual server / user ID settings, it may take longer until re-open the connection port as re-submission of the production operation application form and check list will be required.