1: Desired Start/Change Date
Click Calendar button, and select the desired start/change date. You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
2: Bandwidth
Select the bandwidth of the quote request.
3: Media Type
Select the Media type of line for application.
If applying for new application due to change in connection type of the line, please enter the current line ID in "special note" at the bottom of application.
4: Line Composition
Select the Line Config.
-Unicast Line
*Select either "Single" (static routing) or "Fall Back" (dynamic routing BGP).
-Multicast Line and Unicast-Multicast Consolidated Line
*Select the "Single" (static routing).
*Multiple Composition is a configuration using 2-line of Single Composition.
-L1 Multicast Line
*Select either "Individual" or "Pair".
5: Pair ID
Enter an arbitrary ID when the line composition are fall back or pair. The ID must be the same as the one of the paired line.
Enter the same ID (arbitrary ID) for both lines of the fall back or pair. The entered pair ID is valid only for the day of application.
Only half-width alphanumeric characters (uppercase and lowercase) can be entered for pair IDs. e.g.) pair1, pairA
After the application is submitted, JPX assigns another pair ID. The ID assigned by JPX is displayed as "Fixed Pair ID".
6: JPX Colo Connection Rack ID
7: JPX Colo Connection Port No.
When applying for change, it will be possible to choose.
Please choose a rack/port to which you would like to relocate.
8: Wish to conduct NW Test
Select whether to conduct the arrownet network reachability test.
Even if you select "No", when installing a new line, the network test is mandatory. ("Yes" will be selected.)
*For L1 Multicast Lines, connectivity test is not available, thus it is not possible to select whether you would like to conduct connectivity test or not.
9: Business System
Tick the business systems to use in the JPX Production environment with the line.
*For L1 Multicast Lines, select either system of FLEX system ("Full (WB)" or "Market by Order") or J-GATE system (ITCH).
*The combination of FLEX Standard and FLEX Market by Order BC is not possible to use on 1G Multicast Lines.
10: Only for JPX User LAN Add/Removal
When submitting change application, please tick the box if you want to change items that do not exist on the screen, such as adding or deleting the user LAN, etc.
11: FLEX/ITCH Stream
When using FLEX or ITCH systems, select the FLEX/ITCH stream.
For the Test environment, only Multicast Stream 1 is available.
12: Express Service
Tick the box when you want to use Express Service.
*Please contact the JPX Service Desk (application procedure) prior to applying for the Express Service.
*Express service is not available on L1 Multicast Lines.
13: Create the application form
Please confirm the information you have entered and click the [Create the application form] button to move to the application screen.
Please note that the application is not submitted until you click the Submit button shown on the left top of the next application screen, and click the OK button on the confirmation window.
*Project ID field is available on the application screen after the form is created. (Optional entry field, max. 50 characters)
*If there are supplementary notes for application , please enter in "Special Note" at the bottom of the application screen.
*If the unlicensed market or product data is included in distributed data of L1 Multicast Lines, it is required to declare that information in "Special Note", such as which market or product shall not be used and how the measure takes place to do so (mandatory).
Example of Special Note #1; FLEX) -Not using NSE market data. -Filtering at the NW device.
Example of Special Note #2; ITCH) -Not using TOCOM market data. -Discarding the data at server.
[Templates of Special Note for how the measure takes place not to use market or product]
-Filtering at the NW device. -Discarding the data at server. -Under controlled state in the contract with client.