• No : 10541
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 16:56
  • Modified on : 2023/01/17 08:26
  • Print

[J-GATE3.0] What is the connective destination of TradeGuard?

What is the connective destination of TradeGuard?
Category : 


The address of TradeGuard launch page is provided by Exchange when a Login ID is issued. The address can be found in a CSV file in arrowface.
The address for the production environment is as below:
http://xx.xx.xx.x:xxxx/grx (x is specified by the Exchange.)
The address for the test environment is as below:
http://xx.xx.xxx.x:xxxx/grx (x is specified by the Exchange.)
For any inquiries on how to output the CSV file or the address, contact JPX Service Desk (J-GATE) at j-gate3@jpx.co.jp.
Please note that since the production environment has a primary address and a backup address, and each has a separate jar file, when the primary goes down, please access the backup address and use the backup jar file to launch TradeGuard.