• No : 10851
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/31 12:37
  • Modified on : 2023/01/23 12:30
  • Print

[J-GATE3.0] In order for TradeGuard PTLG settings to be reflected to the holiday test environment, by when should TradeGuard settings be configured in the weekday production environment?

In order for TradeGuard PTLG (Pre-Trade Limit Group) settings to be reflected to the holiday test environment, by when should TradeGuard settings be configured in the weekday production environment?
Category : 


In order for TradeGuard PTLG (Pre-Trade Limit Group) settings to be reflected to the holiday test environment, PTLG (Pre-Trade Limit Group) setting needs to be configured on the weekday production environment by the previous business day of the holiday test.
Since the system date for the holiday test is set for the following business day of the holiday test, if the settings are configured by the previous business day, Next Day Changes will be reflected.
For details on the system date, please refer to "J-GATE3.0_User_Connectivity_Test_Guide".