• No : 149
  • Updated Date : 2024/08/26 09:00
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Is there also any recommended router or L3SW about other Service Provider (SP) just like JASDEC?

Is there also any recommended router or L3SW about other Service Provider (SP) just like JASDEC?
Category : 


JASDEC allows only a compatible device to connect, but TSE does not recommend any specific router or L3SW about other SP.

For further information about a compatible device of JASDEC, please see "arrownet version2.0 Guideline for NW Connection (JASDEC)".

[System Documents Site]
URL: https://faqsd.jpx.co.jp/faq/show/17770?site_domain=en_system_documents

-arrownet version2.0 Guideline for NW Connection (JASDEC)