• No : 6194
  • Updated Date : 2019/09/24 09:00
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FLEX Standard (WB)

FLEX Standard (WB)
Category : 


This service distributes market price information and FLEX Standard for broadband circuits (1G or wider).
FLEX Standard disseminates the followings.

Stock/CB Real time Information (Orders, executions, Trading Volume, Price information)
Stock/CB Base Price Information
Stock/CB Issue Information
Index Statistics group
ToSTNeT Information (execution, trading halt information, etc.)

Quotes disseminated are the 10 prices of each bid and ask.
The network configuration is the Single Configuration only.
Market data transmission uses UDP multicast, and the retransmission request uses TCP unicast.

The difference from Standard is only the distribution band, there is no difference in the contents disseminated.
While Standard restricts the throttling to 100 Mbps or less, WB distributes packets without controlling them, so a bandwidth of 500 Mbps or more is required.

In addition, after the Upgrade, if a failure occurs in FLEX Standard (WB), the contingency plan will be activated.