• No : 6482
  • Updated Date : 2023/08/07 09:00
  • Print

Please tell us about the online hours (available hours) for each clearing system.

Please tell us about the online hours (available hours) for each clearing system.
Category : 


The online (available) hours of each clearing system for production environment on Weekday and Holiday Trading Day are as follows.

Weekday and Holiday Trading Day
From Monday 4:30am to Friday 30:30 (Saturday 6:30am)

[Cash Products Clearing System]
From 8:00am to 27:00 (following day 3:00am)

[Derivatives Clearing System]
Weekday and Holiday Trading Day
From 7:30am to 30:10 (following day 6:10am)

[JGB Clearing System]
From 7:00am to 9:00pm

[OTC Clearing/Collateral Management System]
From 5:00am to 24:00 (following day 0:00am)
(Web Portal Plus: Weekday from 7:00am to 20:00)

*For the test environment, please refer to the following FAQ.
URL: https://faqsd.jpx.co.jp/faq/show/16229?site_domain=en_application