• No : 10690
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/17 14:27
  • Modified on : 2023/01/17 08:17
  • Print

[J-GATE3.0] Does limit set in TradeGuard also apply to J-NET trading?

Does limit set in TradeGuard also apply to J-NET trading?
Category : 


TradeGuard limit does not apply to J-NET trading. 
For an example, functions below do not apply: 
-Restricted Instruments
-Stopping new order from PTLG (Pre-Trade Limit Group) by manual block
-Order limit by Max Size
-Order limit to Tradeable by Breach of risk values other than Max Size
-Calculation of Current Consumption
-Mass Cancel by PTLG (Pre-Trade Limit Group)
-Upper limit of Order Rate Limit setting