• No : 5696
  • Updated Date : 2019/02/28 09:00
  • Print

I would like to add user LAN address(/24) to Co-Location internal connection, but I can't find where to write it on application form.

I would like to add user LAN address(/24) to Co-Location internal connection, but I can't find where to write it on application form.
Category : 


Please follow the below steps when you create "JPX Co-Location Application for Change of Co-Lo Dedicated Internal Connection Line"

1. Input your desired change date on the application form and check "Only for JPX User LAN Add/Removal"

2. Click [Create the application form]

3. Write details of user LAN to add in special note(at lower of application form)
Please find "arrowface Operation Manual" at top page of arrowface and refer to "[Appendix 4] Rule for writing of Special Note"