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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
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  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
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TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
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Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 1862
  • Updated Date : 2024/03/24 09:00
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[Screen Help] Configuration Sheet for ToSTNeT Virtual Server (4.0)

[Screen Help] Configuration Sheet for ToSTNeT Virtual Server (4.0)
Category : 


1: Edit
Click to edit the information of the virtual servers.
2: Import ToSTNeT VS Config CSV
Click to register the config information by importing the CSV file.
Up to 200 items can be registered at a time.
*Please refer to the arrowface operation manual for the CSV format.
3: Export CSV
Click to export the ToSTNeT config information in CSV format.
4: System Category
Select from "In-House Development", "ISV Development" or "ASPs".
5: Name of System
Enter the system in use. (e.g. XX trading system, XX trade system, auction, trade Ita, etc.)
6: System Vendor
When using a system vendor, enter the company name. If in-house development, please enter "In-House Development".
7: Communication Management Program
Enter the program name of the protocol for transmission.
8: Address of Installation site of Virtual Server
Enter the address, building name and floor of the installation site of the virtual servers.
9: Line ID or Line Application ID of Current Line
Select the line ID which the virtual server connects to.
*If the selected line is redundant, the pair line ID will be shown in the field "Given arrownet Line ID + SP Line ID of Standby Line".
10: TSE Side IP Address
From the drop-down list, select TSE side IP address which the virtual server connects to.
It is also possible to assign TSE side IP address automatically by clicking "Automatic assignment".
*TSE side IP address varies depending on the virtual server type (Order-Notice, Drop-Copy).
*Please refer to "Automatic IP address assignment by TSE side" below.
*The results of automatic assignment do not guarantee compatibility with the user's ordering environment, but are provided as an aid in entering application information.
*Please check the automatic assignment results by user's responsibility before applying for the Virtual Server.
11: TSE Side Port No.
It is an item which will be automatically generated.
Based on the entered information, TSE side port number specified in the System Interface Requirements for arrowhead will be automatically assigned.
12: Virtual Server IP Address(/24)
Select an IP address from drop-down list to configure for the virtual server.
13: Virtual Server Port No.
Enter Virtual Server Port No. within the range of 10001 to 65000.
It is also possible to assign a Port No. automatically by clicking "Automatic assignment".
"Automatic assignment" allocates unique Port No. in ascending order for each User LAN and Virtual Server type (Order-Notice, Drop-Copy).
*Please refer to "Duplicate Check Range of Virtual Server Port Number and Automatic assignment" below.
*The results of automatic assignment do not guarantee compatibility with the user's ordering environment, but are provided as an aid in entering application information.
*Please check the automatic assignment results by user's responsibility before applying for the Virtual Server.
14: Desired Date
Click Calendar button, and select the desired date want to start/change.
You can also enter the date directly in yyyy/mm/dd format.
*Desired Date must be specified on a TSE business day at least after 4 business days from your application submission date (submission date itself is not included). (If JPX Service Desk cannot approve the application by 4 business days before the desired start date of the system, JPX Service Desk may not be able to meet on your desired schedule).
System reflection works are generally conducted by JPX Service Desk on Friday for the production systems. Therefore, depending on the date of submission, it could possibly take more than 4 business days for data to be reflected on the system due to the factors such as holidays (Your desired configuration details will be reflected to the system on the next business day of Desired date of work operation by JPX).
*When applying for Test systems, please specify Friday at least after 4 business days from your application submission date (submission date itself is not included).
System reflection works are generally conducted by JPX Service Desk on Thursday for the test systems. Therefore, depending on the date of submission, it could possibly take more than 4 business days for data to be reflected on the system due to the factors such as holidays (Your desired configuration details will be reflected to the system on the next business day of Desired date of work operation by JPX).
*The date of system reflection work operation may be different before go-live of arrowhead4.0. The actual work operation date will be notified separately.
*Only one desired date can be requested in the same application per one-time submission.
15: LLT Category
Select the category of Low Latency Trading for each virtual server.
16: LLT Code
When LLT Category is "Only" or "Share", enter the 5 digits registration numbers (halfwidth) of Persons conducting Low Latency Trading. If there are multiple users, enter the Main user's registration number.
17: LLT Code 2 - LLT Code 10
When LLT Category is "Share", enter the 5 digits registration numbers (halfwidth) of Persons conducting Low Latency Trading.
18: Drop Copy
Enter the preferred Virtual Server to configure as Drop-Copy settings. Configuration can be made up to 2 virtual servers.
19: Save
Click to save the entered data.
20: Desired date of work operation by JPX
The date is required to be entered for the Application for New/Change of ToSTNeT Virtual Server.
Click the calendar button once to select Desired date of work operation by JPX. Alternatively, you can enter the date directly in the format of yyyy/mm/dd.
*Please specify Friday (or previous business day if it is a holiday, etc.) at least after 3 business days from your application submission date (submission date itself is not included) as Desired date of work operation by JPX (Production systems).
*Please specify Thursday (please contact us if it is a holiday) at least after 3 business days from your application submission date (submission date itself is not included) as Desired date of work operation by JPX (Test systems).
However, it may take longer than usual in the following cases:
- Shared User type or proxy application by JPX Service Desk (It requires about 3 business days longer than usual).
- Incomplete application form, and JPX Service Desk may not be able to approve it.
*The date of work operation by JPX may be different before go-live of arrowhead4.0. The actual work operation date will be notified separately.
*Duplicate Check Range of Virtual Server Port Number and Automatic assignment
1. Duplicate check
a. User LAN IP address ( and port number cannot be duplicated, but this restriction is per system and environment.
b. It is possible to reuse discarded and removed user LAN address and port numbers, but if the user LAN address and port number is less than 2 months after removing, it may not be approved for operational purposes.
2. Automatic assignment of Virtual Server port numbers
a. Port numbers are assigned on user LAN addresses unit. The range of port numbers for each Virtual Server type at the time of automatic assignment is as follows.
Ⅰ. For ToSTNeT Order/Notice: 50001 to 55000
Ⅱ. For ToSTNeT Drop-Copy: 55001 to 60000
b. Each User LAN address is automatically entered in ascending order within the range described in the previous section by clicking "Automatic assignment".
c. When you click the "Automatic assignment", only entries that have not entered are subject to automatic allocates, so if it has already been entered manually, etc., it will not be rewritten in the automatic assignment.
d. Once the value has been automatically allocated or manually entered, it will not be assigned in automatic assignment even after the port number in question has been removed.
*Automatic assignment of TSE side IP Address
The IP addresses will be evenly distributed within the same application, and in the case of any surplus will be allocated to the IP address with fewest settings for each trading participant and Virtual Server type.
1. If the number of Virtual Servers is a multiple of the number of Load Balancing Devices, the IP addresses will be equally allocated.
2. If the number of Virtual Servers is less than the number of Load Balancing Devices, they will be allocated one by one in order of the least number of settings per trading participant. If the number of Virtual Servers and Load Balancing Devices are equal, priority will be given to the one with a larger fourth (or third) octet of the IP address.
3. If the number of Virtual Servers exceeds the number of Load Balancing Devices and is not a multiple of the number of Load Balancing Devices, and the number of Virtual Servers is less than the number of Load Balancing Devices after equal allocation, one Virtual Server will be allocated in order of the least settings for trading participants and Virtual Server types units. If the number of Virtual Servers and Load Balancing Devices are equal, priority will be given to the one with a larger fourth (or third) octet of the IP address.