JPX Service Desk
FAQ Site (Application FAQ / System Support FAQ)
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Contacts for JPX Service Desk

Application Procedure contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1070
arrownet support contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3819-1030
arrowhead/ToSTNeT contact
Open Hours: Business day 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TEL: +81-50-3822-8882
J-GATE contact
Open Hours:
  Japanese) 24/7
  English) 7:00 am - 6:30 pm on business days
TEL: +81-50-3822-8900
Clearing contact
Open Hours: Business day 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
TEL: +81-50-3819-1076
  • No : 16229
  • Updated Date : 2023/06/23 09:00
  • Modified on : 2024/07/03 14:00
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Please tell us about the weekday test schedule for Clearing Systems.

Please tell us about the weekday test schedule for Clearing Systems.
Category : 


Regarding the weekday test schedule for Clearing Systems, please refer to the attached files.
In principle, the weekday test schedule for Clearing Systems is updated at the end of every month, and the update will be informed by email to "Persons in Charge of Test Environment system operation (JSCC)" registered on arrowface.
For the test environment, JPX Service Desk (Clearing) can conduct the test trades injection.
  • Please send an order of test trades to JPX Service Desk (Clearing) before 15:00 JST on the previous business day of your desired date. 
  • In principle, we will conduct the trades injection on the morning of your desired date.
  • The time limit for Give-up instruction is 17:30 JST.
  • Take-up requests will be accepted during the open hours on the day.
  【Contact Information】
JPX Service Desk (Clearing)
Open Hours : 9:00-17:00 on business days
TEL              : +81-50-3819-1076
E-mail          :