[J-GATE3.0] Series provided in the test environment.
Series provieded in the test enenvironment are generally the same as that of the production environment. However, series may be added due to testing and wil... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] What is a rush test?
This test is to confirm the capacity and processing ability of the target system by generating high-frequency orders and executions within a certain period o... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0]How to verify connection and what is the address of connection server.
J-GATE 3.0 has a server that is placed to verify communication with the J-GATE Production environment and accordingly permits PING communication between ... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] Where can we find the connection destination to the test environment of ITCH and Trad...
Connection destination to the test environment varies from that of the production environment. Please refer to the document [J-GATE3.0_User_Connectivity_Tes... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] How to request activation of SCB in the test environment?
If you wish to request activation of SCB in the test environment, please send the following information to JPX Service Desk (J-GATE) at j-gate3@jpx.co.jp. ... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] Is application form required to participate in the weekend test?
Application is not needed to participate in the weekend test for J-GATE. Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] Are there additional fees to participate in J-GATE's Holiday Test?
For users who have login IDs in Production environment, there are neither additional fees nor applications to participate in J-GATE's Holiday Test. (There mi... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0]There are failure tests (TAP failure, ME failure, etc.) scheduled in the production en...
Since the test environment is structured as single node, failure tests cannot be performed. Please participate in failure tests in the production environmen... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] How can we check the connectivity from out client system to TAP?
Telnet and Ping communication to NG/TAP from client system is allowed in the Weekday Test Environment. On the other hand, Telnet and Ping communication to N... Show Details
[J-GATE3.0] Is BD2 (Four Prices Information / Index Information) disseminated in the holiday prod...
In general, BD2 (Four Prices Information / Index Information) are disseminated in the holiday production environment as well. Although the information disse... Show Details
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