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  • No : 10528
  • Updated Date : 2021/03/11 16:55
  • Modified on : 2023/01/18 15:52
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[J-GATE3.0]How to acquire delta queries of DQ124 (Request for acquiring instrument series).

How to acquire delta queries of DQ124 (Request for acquiring instrument series).
Category : 


The instruction is as below:
(Please also refer to “Example of DRN and timestamp in DQ124 delta queries” in “ Delta Query” of “J-GATE3.0_Connectivity_Manual_Business_Message_part”.)
1. Keep the information below on answer structure 37001 (DA124) in last executed query of all series information.
  (1) [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number)
(2) [tv_sec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
(3) [tv_nsec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
2. Set values below to query DQ124 (Request for acquiring instrument series)
 (1) increment kept value of [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number) by 1.
 (2) Kept value of [tv_sec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (3) Kept value of [tv_nsec] (Time of processing)on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (4) [segment_number_n] (Segment Number)
3. Execute query until segment number of answer (DA124) becomes “0” and keep the information below on answer structure 37001 (DA124).
 (1) [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number)
 (2) [tv_sec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (3) [tv_nsec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
Repeat 2. And 3.
Please add the following process to acquire BU124 (Instrument Series Update Information)
4. Keep the last record of [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number)
after properly processing received information of BU124 (Instrument Series Update Information).
5. Set values below to query DQ124 (Request for acquiring instrument series).
 (1) increment kept value of [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number) in by 1.
 (2) Kept value of [tv_sec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (3) Kept value of [tv_nsec] (Time of processing)on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (4) [segment_number_n] (Segment Number)
6. Execute query until segment number of answer (DA124) becomes “0” and keep the information below on answer structure 37001 (DA124).
 (1) [download_ref_number_q] (Download Reference Number)
 (2) [tv_sec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
 (3) [tv_nsec] (Time of processing) on [full_answer_timestamp] (Time Stamp)
Repeat 5. And 6.